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Condo unit owners and cooperative shareholders get on-demand access to annual financial statements and other important documents.
Norcor Management Corp is a family-based real estate sales, rental and management business. We began purchasing real estate in 1957. In the 1980’s our company began converting our rental buildings to cooperative ownerships and purchasing buildings to convert. By 1991, we had successfully converted seventeen buildings. All of these converted buildings are healthy cooperatives and currently we retain management of fourteen of the original seventeen. Our company’s name derives from our first successful co-op conversion, a property located on the northern corner of Northern Blvd and Crocheron Avenue in Queens.
Today our company handles a growing portfolio of coops, condos and rental buildings supported by a staff of accountants, property managers, brokers and administrative assistants. We purchase many large and small packages of cooperative and condominium apartments in New York. We actively market the units, renovate and sell dozens of apartments per year. As a result of our integrity and management efficiency, we have been asked to manage several of the buildings where we are the Sponsor. We emphasize cost effective, professional management, with a long term asset view.